Brain Sex

Yeah, you wish this was about sexual fantasies.....

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fooser comes out of his coma..

Ok, so it's been one (1) year, about five (5) months, and some odd days since I last updated this blog! Fine, you may apply whatever torture of your choice (I prefer the Iron Maiden) to said blogmaster. I warned at the inception of this blog that I will prolly not blog very often. Well, in a sense, that is not entirely genuine and correct. I have, in a matter of speaking, "blogged" this past year, about five (5) months, and some odd days. I just havn't done it here. Now, why would a blogmaster do such a thing? Why would one get naked, drunk (not necessarily in that order) and play "Sweet Home Alabama" on his accordian (over-driven through a Marshall with expert applied digital delay, [O.D.T.A.N.W.E.A.D.D] of course) for his upstairs neighbor (which hates his guts) at 3:00 AM in the morning on a normal (well, for some people) work-day during the week? Oh -- that's just me? No one else has done that? Hmmmm..... Come to think of it, I don't even possess an accordian. Must have been in a dream after falling down drunk and naked (most prolly in that order). You know, an accordian over-driven/distorted through a Marshall would sound pretty cool -- wouldn't it? No??? I guess it's just me... If anyone has yet to notice, I just graduated from the Mogambo School of Journalism (MSoJ)...
