Fooser comes out of his coma..
Ok, so it's been one (1) year, about five (5) months, and some odd days since I last updated this blog! Fine, you may apply whatever torture of your choice (I prefer the Iron Maiden) to said blogmaster. I warned at the inception of this blog that I will prolly not blog very often. Well, in a sense, that is not entirely genuine and correct. I have, in a matter of speaking, "blogged" this past year, about five (5) months, and some odd days. I just havn't done it here. Now, why would a blogmaster do such a thing? Why would one get naked, drunk (not necessarily in that order) and play "Sweet Home Alabama" on his accordian (over-driven through a Marshall with expert applied digital delay, [O.D.T.A.N.W.E.A.D.D] of course) for his upstairs neighbor (which hates his guts) at 3:00 AM in the morning on a normal (well, for some people) work-day during the week? Oh -- that's just me? No one else has done that? Hmmmm..... Come to think of it, I don't even possess an accordian. Must have been in a dream after falling down drunk and naked (most prolly in that order). You know, an accordian over-driven/distorted through a Marshall would sound pretty cool -- wouldn't it? No??? I guess it's just me... If anyone has yet to notice, I just graduated from the Mogambo School of Journalism (MSoJ)...