The Paradox of Dr. No
If one recalls my "Yep, Just a Coincidence" posting back a little over three years ago, I was literally begging and pleading to be able to vote for Dr. Ron Paul on a winnable ticket. That was over three years ago, shortly after my "Open Letter to Rush." A lot has transpired since then, and as I again recount in "Response to Calls for an Encore," as I did in June 2006, my mind has been "more educated, purified, and refined by further critical inquiries," and "been exercised and developed to the point of at least 12 times that." That "purifying, refining, and exercising," is far from complete. I have yet to share my thoughts specifically concerning "the days of Noah," as amplified by Dr. Horn in his The Ahriman Gate, and Nephilim Stargates; and Dr. Heiser in his The Facade.
I had been introduced to Ralph Epperson via Frank Whalen's "Frankly Speaking," about a year prior to even knowing Tupper Saussy existed. In fact, I have met him in person here in Austin on his lecture circuit. Epperson has been at the task even longer than Saussy, clocking in some 45 years of research as a credentialed history professor. He is only eclipse by Eustace Mullins' 60+ years, who speaks highly of Saussy. By the grace of God, both Epperson and Mullins are still alive with us on prima materia. But, for how much longer? Time is not on our side, dear people. Nor is it for our adversaries. The "day of reckoning" is coming for us both. Perhaps what follows will cement that further in your hopefully fertile minds.
If ROE is not enough to convince us all that Dr. Paul does not have a "snow ball's" chance in hell, or if he could ever get the nomination and actually s-elected, the following four part series should convince you that Hillary is already selected for POTUS, and if she should "screw up" like Jorge 41 did, and Dr. Paul should somehow be allowed to continue the GOP reign for another four to eight years, then he will be no less restrained than Reagan. The following fills in a lot of details unfulfilled by ROE. Author Epperson pretty much comes to the same conclusions as Saussy. Epperson is probably one of the few real experts on Freemasonry. His findings on the real nature of the name "America" is quite indisputable, and pretty much follows in line with Bay and Pinto [1] in their "The New Atlantis," and "Riddles in Stone." He very much "seals" the fact with bloody accuracy that the Constitution of 1789 is a Jesuit document, without even mentioning the S.J.'s and just a subtle hint of the Roman Church in his entire four part series.
America's Secret Destiny (video one - includes Part 1 and Part 2)
America's Secret Destiny (video two - includes Part 3 and Part 4)
Total viewing time: 3 hours
Believe me people, it is well worth it. I'm afraid far more important than any Ron Paul video. Either Dr. Paul is that naive (or at the very least innocently unwittingly cooperating not much different than Martin Luther did with the Rosicrucians), or he is simply part of "The Machine" like Alex Jones, Pat Buchanan, and Thomas Braden. Pray for courage to watch these. They may not be pleasant even to the best "harden" ROEder...
Now maybe we can really appreciate what Fred (243: On Escaping Democracy) was talking about concerning voting...
Need I still remind people of Wilson's words?
[1] No, no people... NOT that pinto you are thinking of. This is Chris Pinto with David Bay.
[2] Judge Jim Garrison, former Court of Appeals, New Orleans, LA (1921 -1992)
I had been introduced to Ralph Epperson via Frank Whalen's "Frankly Speaking," about a year prior to even knowing Tupper Saussy existed. In fact, I have met him in person here in Austin on his lecture circuit. Epperson has been at the task even longer than Saussy, clocking in some 45 years of research as a credentialed history professor. He is only eclipse by Eustace Mullins' 60+ years, who speaks highly of Saussy. By the grace of God, both Epperson and Mullins are still alive with us on prima materia. But, for how much longer? Time is not on our side, dear people. Nor is it for our adversaries. The "day of reckoning" is coming for us both. Perhaps what follows will cement that further in your hopefully fertile minds.
If ROE is not enough to convince us all that Dr. Paul does not have a "snow ball's" chance in hell, or if he could ever get the nomination and actually s-elected, the following four part series should convince you that Hillary is already selected for POTUS, and if she should "screw up" like Jorge 41 did, and Dr. Paul should somehow be allowed to continue the GOP reign for another four to eight years, then he will be no less restrained than Reagan. The following fills in a lot of details unfulfilled by ROE. Author Epperson pretty much comes to the same conclusions as Saussy. Epperson is probably one of the few real experts on Freemasonry. His findings on the real nature of the name "America" is quite indisputable, and pretty much follows in line with Bay and Pinto [1] in their "The New Atlantis," and "Riddles in Stone." He very much "seals" the fact with bloody accuracy that the Constitution of 1789 is a Jesuit document, without even mentioning the S.J.'s and just a subtle hint of the Roman Church in his entire four part series.
America's Secret Destiny (video one - includes Part 1 and Part 2)
America's Secret Destiny (video two - includes Part 3 and Part 4)
Total viewing time: 3 hours
Believe me people, it is well worth it. I'm afraid far more important than any Ron Paul video. Either Dr. Paul is that naive (or at the very least innocently unwittingly cooperating not much different than Martin Luther did with the Rosicrucians), or he is simply part of "The Machine" like Alex Jones, Pat Buchanan, and Thomas Braden. Pray for courage to watch these. They may not be pleasant even to the best "harden" ROEder...
Now maybe we can really appreciate what Fred (243: On Escaping Democracy) was talking about concerning voting...
Need I still remind people of Wilson's words?
" A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation and all of our activities are in the hands of a FEW men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely CONTROLLED and dominated governments in the world no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of SMALL groups of dominant men. "Tell me dear people. How is it any different today from 1912? A better question to pose would be, "How much worse has it actually gotten?" Deception is a powerful tool of "the rulers of the darkness of this world." [2] Time to wake from your slumber...
- Woodrow Wilson, "Campaign Speeches" (1912)
[1] No, no people... NOT that pinto you are thinking of. This is Chris Pinto with David Bay.
[2] Judge Jim Garrison, former Court of Appeals, New Orleans, LA (1921 -1992)
At 8:55 PM, November 07, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Hi Dread, I saw that video you posted. And I do say that I was speechless. It has been on my mind for over a week (I linked them through Vox's weblog where you posted them). to say I was shocked is an understatement. However I didn't have trouble sleeping. I prayed before, during and ever after since I saw the video. I now look at the government and media in a total different light.
I was wondering if you ever read "Marketing of Evil" by that guy on WND, you know the really smart one, David Kupelian. I have read a lot of his commentaries and he is a briliant writer, I think anyways. He can make complicated things easy and he puts things in a perspective I never thought of before. If you have read it, is it worth buying and reading?
Also, Don't get depressed and dispair, the worse it gets here, the sooner God is coming for us.
Take Care Dread
At 2:54 PM, December 12, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Considering the economic march of the US & EU, I have recently become concerned that whoever is in office in 2008 will play the part of Hoover to our "Greater Depression" to come. This and this alone has caused me to balk at wanting Dr. Paul to be Pres.
I doubt that most people are smart enough to understand that the pain must be endured economically to correct the bad decisions of the last few decades. They will just storm the White House & burn DC to the ground. And that's just the people living in DC.
At 4:54 PM, December 12, 2007,
Anonymous said…
These videos are not available. The links appear to be dead. They just go to google videos and say:
We're sorry, but this video may not be available.
If this video was recently uploaded, it may still be processing.
If this video is yours, you can check its status.
To see more videos visit our home page.
At 6:06 PM, December 12, 2007,
Dread said…
The videos still work fine for me...
At 11:51 PM, December 12, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Sooooo tedious!!
Is there a transcript of what he said. Isn't there a way to speed it up. This stuff most of which has been on the web from various sources for years.
Just finished parts 1 and 2. There's got to be a way to speed this up.
Sorry for the rant it's late. But thanks for the links. I'll have to check out the guy's books. Some interesting stuff. I do know that Pat Robertson rides horses and that he could have hurt his hand or arm. More substance would be needed to prove he is masonic. I learned from Pat Robertson himself about Pike's writings and Marx's Lucifarianism. He denounced it many years ago on his programs the 700 club as well as in books he's written.
All the best,
good night.
At 6:22 PM, January 30, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Deja-mooo...Saw it before under someone else's name; a variant of the same old Bircher bilge.
Saussey's theories make the most sense, however I believe the subversion/conspiracy started with the Civil War, not from the Revolution, due to the fact this is the timeframe wherein the assinine ideas of imperialism started to get popular ("Let's stop minding our own business and start minding everyone else's for them!").
As you can tell from the asserted choices for president this time around, the two-minute warning is about to sound: If we don't turn back now to a constitutional republic framework, the only other choice is empire and therefore, oblivion.
At 7:45 PM, October 03, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Brother Dread, Orlok here. thanks for the link, interesting. Have you heard anything on martial law lately?
BTW I have two cousins and 3 nieces and nephews in Austin I went to UT earlier this year for my daughters UIL test. I am a south east texan (think Beaumont area)but did work in Austin for a year back in the tech boom of 95'.
Keep the faith.
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