Your Papers Please...
Woman Arrested, Cuffed for Eating Candy
It appears now that if you don't finish eating your candy bar when told, then you are deemed a terrorist. I'm just waiting for the day when we give any law enforcement the finger, the courts will allow them to shoot us on site.
The transit police officer asked for Willett's identification, but Willett kept walking. She said she was then frisked and handcuffed.
"If she had stopped eating, it would have been the end of it and if she had just stopped for the issuance of a citation, she never would have been locked up," Transit Police Chief Polly Hanson said Thursday.
Metrorail has been criticized in the past for heavy-handed enforcement of the eating ban. In 2000, a police officer handcuffed a 12-year-old girl for eating a french fry on a subway platform.
In 2002, one of their officers ticketed a wheelchair-bound cerebral palsy patient for cursing [anyone recall the movie "Demolition Man?"] when he was unable to find a working elevator to leave a station. Unflattering publicity eventually led the police to void the ticket.
Willett was the second person arrested this year for eating or drinking, Hanson said. In addition, police have issued 58 tickets and given more than 300 written warnings.
I was in Tokyo in 1981. They had is still have the cleanest subways in the world. Funny, I don't recall any eating bans back then. I remember seeing people eating, drinking, and smoking both in the station and on the train. Most people were well mannered and threw away their trash in the proper receptacles. On top of that, they had plenty of maintenance engineers on hand as I keenly observed.I recall being threatened with consequences for not eating my food by my parents when I was a kid. But again, my parents weren't the govt. I also recall being threatened in boot camp with consequences if I did not finish my food in a certain amount of time, but I don't recall this nation being in one big boot camp; or are we?
Now it appears that if we refuse to give identification, we will be summarily arrested as a potential terrorist. We are being conditioned for eventual absolute rule. That last time I recall this happening with frequency was in the former Soviet Union, and before that -- Nazi Germany. Of course, it still happens in the PRC (China), but again; we're supposed to be strategic partners -- buddies? Maybe we're just learning from them?
I was watching a movie this week, "Escape from New York." The movie was made in 1981 starring Kurt Russell and Donald Pleasence among others. The setting is 1997, and the USA is portrayed as an imperial police state. The movie portrays the police state starting in 1988. This movie is off by just a bit. It appears our police state began in 2000. (that is pre 9/11 folks) But again, Waco was in the 1993. The first World Trade Center bombing was also in 1993. Perhaps it's been going on sooner than we all think. It's just a bit more subtle.
And the frog slowly, but surely boils...
At 12:33 PM, July 30, 2004,
mdmhvonpa said…
The age of free momvement is comming to an end in America. Much like China. Dammit, time to move to Montana.
At 12:03 AM, July 31, 2004,
Elmo Q. Shangnaster said…
Since your blog indicates you're in Lago Vista, TX you're probably familiar with the Gail Atwater case. I agree. Things have gotten out of hand.
At 12:08 AM, July 31, 2004,
Elmo Q. Shangnaster said…
BTW, whatever happened to the case of the man in New York who was given a citation for popping a balloon? It seems like that case ocurred several months ago.
At 12:19 AM, July 31, 2004,
Dread said…
What is so special about Montana except for no speed limits?
At 12:24 AM, July 31, 2004,
Dread said…
I just sent you an email for amplification on the Atwater case. Popping balloons huh. NYC is one of the last places in this country that I even what to take the chance of breathing the air. You never know when that nuke is going off so they can relocate the UN in Europe. Just a thought...
At 10:27 AM, July 31, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Singapore is far cleaner than Japan... I've lived in Japan for 3 and a half years and can attest to that fact. Cleaner than the US? Pretty much so. Singapore on the other hand is far cleaner and chewing gum for example was banned when it caused delays for a subway/train. I can't say that I'd miss gum if it ceased to end up on the bottom of my shoe or ruining my cars carpet. People here in the States are just damn lazy anyway. My German mother drilled it into me that you throw things away where they belong... not out the window or spit it out on the ground like so many lazy bastards do.
Here is something for you to think about. In Singapore they have monitoring devices in their elevators that will shut the elevator down if someone takes a leak in it. Won't be opened up again until the cops, who were notified which specific elevator it was, arrive to snag you. Better find that loo.... and quick!
P.S. Why must I set up an account to post? Hate that.
At 10:48 AM, July 31, 2004,
Dread said…
Hey DF
I never made it to Singapore. We were supposed to participate in Kangaroo '82, but thanks to pres. Jimmy; that got canceled out of the budget. Ports of call I'm sure would have included Singapore and Bangkok.
What years were you in Japan? I was there from Apr '81 through Jul '82 stationed in Iwakuni. I'm all for cleaniness, just I don't think we need a police state to achieve that. If it comes to that, I'm off to Pago Pago...
At 3:07 PM, August 01, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Was there from 87 through Dec of 1990. Have been wanting to go back ever since. Its funny... actually its not funny but I digress... how time passes so quickly. I can handle Japan with no problems... its all a matter of how you approach a place. You just have to say to yourself "Self!... you're here so deal with it". Stop trying to make the place into where you left and just enjoy the ride. I did.
After having read Fred I can see that my outlook is a lot like his. If it weren't for these blogs I'd have never even read about him. Some day I hope to visit Thailand and Laos. My wifes friend is Laotian who married an oilman here in Midland and says she'll take the missus on a trip some day. I said "go ahead"... I'll jet over to Europe and travel down the Rhine as I've dreamed of doing for ages. Visit all my relatives and partake in generous servings of premium brewskis. Ahhhh!......
I have no love for totalitarianism like you but I fear that the feminization of politics and the death of common sense have led to a "security over liberty" mindset. So long as people want to "feel" safe then there is no limit to what they'll give up.
At 8:00 PM, December 17, 2006,
TheWayfarer said…
(Picture: blackshirt swinging a club)
"Echt verboten, uzvek...By ardur auf Der Schtaat!!!"
Living in denial has become the common mentality of a people without the ethics to refuse government bribes, the responsibility to see to their own success and achievement, and the resolve to enforce Constitutional boundaries on the Do-Gooder State.
What a bunch of spoiled, pampered pansies we've become!
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